IndoLaw's 30 Years of Experience
Law firms provide legal services run by lawyers to provide services to individual clients, businesses, and other organizations. Law firms provide a variety of legal services such as legal consultation. legal document drafting, legal representation, mediation, and legal aid.
Expertise, efficiency, and network are the basis for the need for a law firm as a legal service for you and Indolaw currently meets all the criteria you need for your legal problems.
IndoLaw has over 30 years of experience, handled by professional attorneys, and has managed various major cases in Indonesia.
Our Client
Experienced Advocate Team
Each document is prepared and crafted by the "legal chefs" in the IndoLaw back office team with precision, care, and appropriate legal considerations, ensuring that every legal effort undertaken by IndoLaw meets qualification and professionalism standards for the benefit of the client in accordance with the principles of truth and justice, as well as the Advocate Code of Ethics.
- ADV. DR. TJOETJOE SANDJAJA HERNANTO (Tjoe), a senior advocate in Indonesia with over 33 years of experience, Legal Auditor, Bankruptcy Administrator and Curator, Liquidator, Litigator, Business Negotiator, and Business and Corporate Legal Consultant.
- ADV. IBRAHIM MASSIDENRENG (Bram), Advocate, Mediator, Intellectual Property Consultant.
- ADV. ANISHA WAHYUNINGTYAS (Icha), Advocate, Mediator, Tax Attorney, Bankruptcy Administrator, and Curator.
- ADV. GIO LOUHENAPESSY (Gio), Advocate, Business and Corporate Legal Consultant, Bankruptcy Administrator, and Curator.
- DELWYN WONO (Del), Guest Lawyer from Illinois, United States of America, and expert in Business Transactions, Finance, International Trade, and Property.
"This team is supported by experts and professionals in their respective fields."

Our Services
IndoLaw as an experienced law office, we are committed to providing high quality and personalized legal services to every client. With a team of competent and dedicated lawyers, we are ready to help you overcome various legal problems.
Legal Drafting
Business Negotiations
Non Litigation
IndoLaw is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of every client
IndoLaw maintains client confidentiality not to disclose, divulge, disseminate, reproduce, duplicate or separate and control the results of the separation of any information or information, documents, ideas, data stored in systems/reports relating to business, procedures, activities and related employees. directly or indirectly with the implementation and results of work involving client confidentiality based on the provisions of Article 19 Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2) of Law no. 18 of 2003 concerning Advocates.